Thursday, October 28, 2010

''Lahaula Wala Quwata Illa Billah Hil Aliyil 'Azim. ' 'Tiada Kekuatan dan Daya Melainkan dari Allah yang Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Mulia. '

'"Lahaula Wala Quwata Illa Billah Hil Aliyil 'Azim."
"Tiada Kekuatan dan Daya Melainkan dari Allah yang Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Mulia."

Friday, October 22, 2010

khutbah jumaat 22/10/10

Islam bukan hanya pada kata-kata" saya beriman kepada Allah, saya beragama Islam"

 Tahap keimanan seseorang yang membeza kan kita sesama umat Islam.

Allah menguji manusia kerana Allah sayang hambaNya..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Surat daripada seorang lelaki kepada 'FUTURE WIFE'

...::: no long distance 'bout lav b'cos it alwes finds a way to bring hearts together, no matter how many miles we r apart :::...

Kehadapan my future wife(s)

I menulis article ini bukan lah kerana di cabar oleh seorang member yang ingin melihat keromantikan I. Tapi.. err.. I ...menulis ini adalah kerana kehendak I. So, sila baca entri ni perlahan-lahan. Tak perlu laju-laju.

Friday, October 1, 2010

please check your car

raya-raya.. everyone is busy with their "balik kampung's" program
eitheri by car/motorcycle/bus/train & so on..

what i want to share here is, i have a friend studying at penang..
& his hometown at kuala luimpur.. 

last saturday he wanted to drive back to kuala lumpur
like usuall, he shaking our hands hands before leave us..

when it was my turn, i ask him, wether he had check his car or not..
to my surprise, he didn't check hir car!!!
imagine, he will be in a long journey and yet he didn't even looked at his engine.
uhhhh...i cant say anything.

i asked him why he didnt check his car's engine and this is his 
answer: : "ak x taw pape pon pasal engine jek yg ak taw"
i laugh loudly with his answser.
then he ask me to help him to check his car.
with my pleasure,,,i gave my hand
1st i check oil engine.. 

it startled me, his oil engine's level was in minimun level!
wahhhh,,its so dangerous.. try imagine this situation, 
if he still drive his car  with this situation,
his car's car piston will be crack...

where piston located? inside of engine..

try imagine, what happen if piston move up and down without oil engine?.. 

look funny right? he doesn't know anything... it is so dangerous.. 
i always spare oil engine in my car..
so i gave it to him.
(u r welcome fren ^^ )

2nd.. i check his radiator water.. 

again...i took a long sigh. his radiator tank is empty.. 
and his backcup tank, also empty.
function of radiator is to cool down the engine.. what happen if no water at more?

your engine will be HOT..

so as conclusion...

u all must check your car 1st before get into long journey

what to check?

1st oil engine
2nd water of radiator
3rd break oil
4rd automatic oil
5th power stering oil

love your car, like to love your bf/gf... ^_^